HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa, president of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, chairs, in Rabat, a luncheon offered by HM King Mohammed VI in honor of foreign guests at the ceremony to celebrate Earth and Sustainable Development Day.
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Moulay Rachid and Princess Lalla Hasnaa, president of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, preside, in Rabat, over the ceremony to celebrate Earth and Sustainable Development Day.
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Moulay Rachid and Princess Lalla Hasnaa chair, on this occasion, the signing ceremony of five agreements in the field of the protection of the environment.
The agreements include a partnership agreement to generalize the eco-schools programme, in addition to three agreements on the progressive elimination of the use of plastic bags, the promotion of substitute products and the production of clean energy from waste gas in Oulja area.