All for our environment

Coastal Preservation

Clean Beaches
The Foundation launched its massive beach clean-up operations throughout the Kingdom under the ``Let's make our beaches smile`` motto. The Clean Beaches program now covers over 100 of Morocco's busiest beaches, not only for cleanliness, but also for safety, equipment and entertainment.
a summer success
Initially launched in 1999, prior to the creation of the Foundation and at the initiative of the late King Hassan II, Clean Beaches has now become a global program for coastal protection and environmental awareness. New beaches are added and mobilized for the environment every year.

The Foundation rallied all stakeholders essential to the success of the Clean Beaches program: coastal municipalities along with their regulatory body, the General Directorate of Local Authorities (DGCL) of the Ministry of Interior, economic partners contributing managerial know-how and financial resources, and civil society, associations and civil organizations.

Collectively, these stakeholders coordinate the management, activities and protection of beaches and spaces made vulnerable by increasing numbers of visitors every summer season, which is essential for program success.

The emphasis is now on developing skills of municipalities in charge of beach management, in order to build autonomy and extend the program to all beaches across the kingdom.

Coastal Preservation

Clean Beaches

The Goals

  • Introduction
  • Implementation
  • Achievements
Clean Beaches is a key program of the Foundation with the following broad objectives:
Protect beaches and coastlines, a fragile area
Ensure summer visitors' safety.
Maintain clean beaches and bathing waters.
Animate beaches and raise awareness
of the environment, especially among the youngest.
Provide beaches with equipment necessary for cleanliness and environmental protection.
Raise awareness and educate summer visitors


The Clean Beaches Program is deployed every season from June to September, according to a methodology that is improved year after year, with the active participation
of municipalities, economic partners and civil society.
Deployment of environmental awareness and education actions
Implementing the organization of daily beach cleaning
Setting up health, safety and animation infrastructures
Systematic deployment of beach utilization and management plans (PUGP)
Monitoring compliance with Clean Beaches requirements



Participating beaches


Blue Flag labelled beaches includind two marinas

100 000

Summer visitors daily