36 NGOs from all over the country participate in the World Environmental Education Congress, an opportunity for networking and visibility.
This Wednesday June 12 is the NGO Day at the World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2013). Thirty-six associations, representing the 16 regions of the Kingdom, were invited by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection to participate in this global event that brings together over 1,500 participants from a variety of countries.
In a country open to the world, the media presence covering environmental issues, especially since the Rio Conference in 1992 or the COP 7 held in Morocco in 2001, both steps on the long road of global summits, has raised the awareness of Moroccan citizens that climate change mitigation necessitates their involvement and efforts.
Environmental associations are a relatively recent phenomenon. Most NGOs are very active promoting environmental education and awareness, and conducting outreach to the general public.
The vast majority has a strong local presence and strives to protect their immediate environment, such as a beach, garden, tree, green space, etc. The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection wanted to engage these associations by dedicating an area designed as a meeting place, called “Associations: all participants.” Here they can present various grassroots initiatives, programs, local development projects and many achievements.
This space also enabled them to exchange among themselves and with policy makers and representatives of institutions, journalists, business leaders, heads of international organizations, students, etc. and with international organizations about their experiences and know-how. It also enabled them to initiate collaborative activities in different areas related to environmental education and sustainable development.
By involving NGOs in the defense of the environment, the Foundation strives to strengthen their role as an educator, educator and dynamic player in the field.