On Saturday May 26, 2012,Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation forEnvironmental Protection (FM6E),presided the award ceremony for the 2011Clean Beaches Lalla Hasnaa Awards at the Mohammed VI International Conference Center in Skhirat, Morocco.
Recommendationsfor sustainable coastal management and development were defined and presented from the workshop, Areas for Development of the Clean Beaches Program,organized in conjunction with this ceremony.
During this annual event, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa awarded the trophies to the Clean Beaches partners, honored for their remarkable actions and initiatives towards the protection of our coastal heritage.
The 2011 program year, which extended its activities to 64 beaches covering 36 coastal communesand was supported by 28 public and private organizations, aimed to consolidate gains. In 2011, 20 beaches were awarded the Blue Flag label.