The Mohammed VI Foundation For Environmental Protection Signs Three Agreements For Environmental Education
On Monday, June 10, 2013 in Marrakech, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection (Fm6e), signed three environmental education agreements with national and international institutional partners.
These agreements were signed on the occasion of the 7th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2013), co-organized by the Foundation, which takes place from June 9 to 14 in Marrakech, and brings together 1,200 participants and renowned guests.
The signing of the three agreements was honored by the presence of Ms. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, Mr. Othman Attwijri, Director General of ISESCO, and Mr. Jan Erikssen, President the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), who were present for the WEEC 2013.
The first is a partnership agreement between the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Education for the Eco-Schools program, represented by the Minister of Education, Mr. Mohammed Louafa. In 2006, the Fm6e introduced this FEE international program in Morocco. It aims to teach the principles of sustainable development in primary schools by mobilizing students, teachers, parents and associations around projects on water, energy, waste, biodiversity, and food. A Green Flag rewards the efforts of schools that participate in this program. The program’s growing success has led the Foundation and the Ministry of Education to gradually generalize the program to all schools. This expansion is the subject of this Agreement, and it follows a first agreement that helped to implement the pilot phase.
The second agreement was signed with the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment, in the presence of its Minister, Mr. Fouad Douiri, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in the presence its Minister, Mr. Mohammed Ouzzine. The agreement covers a four-year period and aims to introduce environmental awareness and education in youth and children’s facilities and in women’s affairs. Environmental Clubs will be established in Youth Centers, with trained facilitators, educational visits, equipment, materials and outreach tools available to them.
The third agreement also concerns environmental education, signed with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) for 2013-2015. Both institutions intend to promote environmental education programs in ISESCO member countries, share expertise and experience, and develop joint projects. It targets the youth and civil society, the press, responsible tourism and the preservation of green spaces.
By signing these three agreements, the Foundation continues its committed outreach and education efforts, especially for young people, which it considers fundamental and indispensable to achieving its mission of protecting the environment in the long term.