Afterwards, Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa followed the explications concerning the development of this park of 20 ha which has required an amount of 2 million dirhams. It concerns a forest space, located in the Temara urban perimeter, and limited in its peripheral extension with the green belt. After having unveiled the commemorative plaque inaugurating this space, Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa stopped at the water supply point where are exposed the ONEP panels related to the campaign led by ONEP to make people more aware of the necessity of water saving.
Following that, some explications were provided to Her Highness about the achievement of the mini circuit for the traffic education. It’s a space of 5000 m2 isolated from the traffic, where children (aged 7 to 15 years) can benefit from some theoretical courses and some practices regarding the traffic education. These courses are followed by an exam to obtain a symbolic driving license. . The cost of this achievement is about 9000 dhs. Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa went after that to the entertainment park for children and attended the different entertaining and sportive activities (choral of “11 Janvier” secondary school”, some workshops of the Ministry of Education environment club, a play entitled “drop of water” presented by a group of high school students. Later on, some explanations were provided to Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa on the future project for the development of a bio-park “green valley” in Temara . The objective of this project is to provide the town with an aesthetic and agreeable landscaped attractiveness offering to the inhabitants a space for relaxation within the spirit of environmental education. The Temara sportive and entertaining park is an accommodation which contains some circuits extended on a surface of 3500 m of well arranged laps, two sports grounds, two others for bowling, a leisure space equipped with kiosks and refreshment areas, three drinkable water supply points and a parking.