It will be an opportunity to discuss the achievements of these countries and the prospects for development of the “YRE” programme and actions to implement in order to ensure a good networking between the high schools involved in this programme in these countries.
The Foundation Mohammed VI takes also this opportunity to present the results of this programme and its benefits in terms of awareness and environmental education for young people and the actions undertaken to promote this programme, and to involve the young reporters in the media coverage of the major events of the Foundation. In this regard, two young reporters of the Regional Academy of National Education of Marrakech will attend this international meeting and will prepare reports about the themes discussed.
This event’s participants will visit in Ibn Sina high school, an exhibition of the work of the “YRE” winners in the period between 2002 and 2012 and will have a palm plantation in the Palm Grove of Marrakech.
It should be recalled that the YRE programme is implemented in Morocco by the Foundation Mohammed VI since 2002 and Moroccan young reporters are awarded annually in the international YRE competitions organized by FEE.
Program of the meeting