Students at the Taib Lmrini School are led by a committed monitoring committee that has worked hard to earn the Green Flag since the start of the Eco-Schools program in 2010, for which it is now as proud as its students.
What began as recycling gray water from sinks has turned into a beautiful and environmentally friendly effort. It started by establishing an elaborate filtration system developed with a pool, gravel, filtering plants, and lift pump, which then irrigate aromatic garden plants via pipes installed by students. The efforts also included buildings, with an upgrade to classrooms, amenities, photovoltaic kits for electricity, insulating the playground roof, waterproofing roofs, painting walls with environmental paint, earthwork at the entry, etc…Awareness-raising of students to the environment that permitted the Eco-school program has permitted beyond today on the outside, with students who do not hesitate to act to save water in them or those who take the waste or in public places.
This is the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection’s primary objective: educate youth to win the battle for the Environment together. The choice to accompany and boost the Taib Lmrini School is not fortuitous. Located at the heart of the Marrakech palm grove, it participates in the palm grove protection program, which the Foundation launched in 2007, on the instructions from His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
The awareness raising and education component of this important program is one of its cornerstones. Making children allies in the protection of their immediate environment, the Foundation aims to strengthen the involvement of civil society and local residents to protect an area under significant human pressure.