The Foundation Mohamed VI for the Protection of the Environment, in partnership with the Agency for the Promotion and Development of the Northern Provinces of Morocco organized on Wednesday 3rd June 2015 at the headquarters of the Wilaya of Tanger-Asilah a sensitization workshop on sustainable management and promotion of the aromatic and medicinal plants.
A framework convention had been signed in February 2009 under the effective presidency of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa between the Foundation Mohamed VI for the Protection of the Environment, the High Commission for Waters and Forests and the Fight against Desertification, the Agency for the Promotion and Development of the Northern Provinces of Morocco, the General Direction of Local Government, the Tangiers Mediterranean Special Agency, the National Railway Office, the Moroccan Highways National Society.
The objective was to strengthen and promote the sustainable development aspect of the projects of development carried out in the coastal areas of the RBIM, in particular by the implementation of measures to prevent, correct and compensate the environmental impacts of these projects while undertaking sensitization and communication actions.
Among the objectives:
• The capitalization on the achievements and the progresses in sustainable management of the aromatic and medicinal plants;
• The participation to the development of synergies between the different stakeholders;
• The participation to the promotion and the preservation of bio-diversity : foster the sustainable use and the promotion of the plants collected from nature, and preserve and improve the natural habitat;
• Identification of the objectives and of the needs of the associations for training on sustainable management of the PAM and on the mastering of the efficient extraction processes, Label Aromatic and Medicinal Plants RBIM;
In order to strenghten the knowledge from the different achievements and from the themes debated during this workshop, the different participants (Administrations, economic actors, lenders, international organisations, GNOs, …) will produce recommendations and draw a plan for actions and the details for its implementation.