The year 2014 was marked by the labeling of 27 beaches “Blue Flag”, 64 tourist accommodation establishments “Green Key”, 79 Eco-schools awarded “Green Flag”. This year has seen also the participation of 2000 students from 359 middle and high schools to the 12th contest “Young Reporters for the Environment”, equipment of 73 rural schools by photovoltaic kits, as well as the plantation of 17 909 palms at the level of the Palm Grove of Marrakech within the framework of the voluntary Carbon offset.
For this purpose, Her Royal Highness emphasized the mobilization of all stakeholders to concretize and support the Foundation actions.
The year 2016, the Foundation’s fifteen-year anniversary, will ensure the continuity and the reinforcement of the Foundation’s commitments to the various programs. A reflection will be conducted, and then suggested to the board members on the strategic axes identified to engage for the 15 coming years.
In addition, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, was awarded the Association Responsable® (Responsible Association) label on December 7th , 2014 by the international cabinet, VIGEO. The Foundation had submitted to the board the Social Responsibility Charter of Organizations, for approbation. It should be recalled that the Social Responsibility Charter of Organizations defines the guidelines established by the Foundation and must guide its actions and bind its members, its staff and all its partners in the various projects and programs.
The Board of Directors closed the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2014.
Before concluding the meeting, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa thanked all the members of the Board of Directors for their support and their involvement in the achievement of this noble duty that it’s the environmental protection. …/…
Overview of the main areas of the Foundation’s program achievements
Prior to reviewing the Foundation’s programs, it is necessary to point out two important dates during 2014, namely:
– On November 12, 2014, in Nagoya, Japan, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, Guest of Honor at the UNESCO World Conference for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development where Her Royal Highness a gave speech recalling Morocco’s commitment to the environment, and Her Royal Highness’ own commitment to education for sustainable development, especially for the youth.
– Similarly, on November 25, 2014, Her Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, Chair of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, was awarded a certificate by the firm Vigeo for the Association Responsable® label dedicating the personal commitment by its Chair for the exemplary nature of its Foundation, its functioning, in fulfilling its mission and promoting its values.
This certificate attests to the Foundation’s ability and commitment to respecting the principles defining its social responsibility.
Education for sustainable development
Her Royal Highness has placed youth education for sustainable development as the Foundation’s primary mission. The actions begin in school and continue to middle school and high school, with the firm intention to make education for sustainable development an integral part of education in general.
• The Eco-Schools program has entered its ninth year in Morocco. Schools are increasingly numerous to join: 898 schools participated for the 2013-2014 season, compared to 675 in 2012-2013. A total of 71 schools applied for the Green Flag for the 2013-2014 season and 25 hoisted the flag, 31 obtained the bronze certificate and 12 were awarded the silver certificate. A total of 77 Eco-Schools renewed their label from a total of 79 Eco-Schools.
Organization of the National Days for the Coast, second edition:
The 2nd edition of National Days for the Coast, the principle of which was decided at the Tangier Conference in October 2010, was held from December 15 to 26, 2014 and aimed to raise citizen awareness and engage in reflection on the safeguarding and protection of coastal resources.
These awareness days, which give great importance to working with children and adolescents, ended with the general mobilization of all the eco-schools located on the Kingdom’s coasts.
• As for the Young Reporters for the Environment program, the 2014 theme was Information and Communication Technology to Support Environmental Education for Sustainable Development and it introduced three age categories: 11-14, 15-18 and 19-21 year olds.
This new approach has allowed 2,000 students from 359 middle schools 16 academies to participate in the contest.
314 written reports and 1,042 photographs were submitted.
• Initiated in 2011 following a partnership with the Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med), the young communication professionals’ capacity building project was achieved by establishing an electronic distance-learning platform based on UNESCO content.
After an initial training provided in 2012 to 27 journalists from the Maghreb, a second session in 2014 was held for 31 journalists from the Maghreb and West Africa, from 7 African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Benin, Guinea and Burkina Faso).
The training modules covered climate change, renewable energy, natural resources, waste management and the importance of ecosystems. The monitoring committee assessed a dozen articles written by journalists in training, and a review workshop was organized to present the work, and reward the best.
Coastal Protection program
In 2014, the Clean Beaches program, launched to educate beach goers and communes, entered a new phase with an approach that further involves communes in charge of the beaches, as a prelude to program expansion. 80 beaches spread over 54 communes participated in the Clean Beaches Program, sponsored by 26 public and private companies, and 27 beaches were labeled Blue Flag.
The Blue Flag rewards the efforts of communes, public entities and economic partners of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection. The Foundation decided to expand this certification to marinas, starting in 2014.
Protected areas and wetlands
Along with clean beaches, the Foundation is committed to the protection of wetlands. In the North, it developed a program to protect and clean up the Marchica lagoon in Nador, a place that is as unique as it is threatened. The Foundation’s efforts in mobilizing and raising awareness of all stakeholders, dialogue, and youth and adult education have helped to integrate the protection of this lagoon as a compulsory component of any local action. This remarkable effort is now replicated in another wetland of great biological and ecological value, the Oued-Eddahab bay in Dakhla, in Southern Morocco. This experience is also very helpful to the Foundation within the framework of a transnational initiative, the Mediterranean Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve.
Qualit’Air Program
The Foundation closed out the air quality monitoring network program by acquiring 13 stations and a mobile laboratory. This network now comprises 29 measuring stations and two mobile laboratories in 15 cities of the Kingdom within 9 regions.
A new phase of maintaining the proper functioning network was initiated in pilot regions (Rabat, Marrakech and Agadir) to train personnel capable of locally managing air quality. Therefore, a pilot project was launched in 2014 for the Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz region, which helped to perform a complete air pollution assessment. This assessment enables the establishment of a standard model for air quality monitoring and control for regions, accompanied by training and awareness activities of local stakeholders, including children.
The epidemiological study also came to an end, after a preparatory phase (January 2010-January 2011), a pilot phase (February 14-March 14 2011) and the study itself (November 2011-October 2013).
It enabled to quantify the effects of urban air pollution on health, by combining the daily variations of air pollutants measured at seven fixed stations in the Casablanca region with measurements of the daily variations of health indicators (morbidity and mortality).
Voluntary Carbon Offsetting program
Partnership agreements with public and private organizations were renewed in 2014 for the voluntary carbon offsetting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with business travel by air and by car.
These partnerships have helped to plant 2,000 date palms in the Marrakech palm grove (El Majal area) and sequester in 2,400 tons of CO2. They have also enabled 73 rural schools and teacher housing to be solar equipped in the provinces of Azilal, Ouezzane, Boulemane, Tangier and Oujda.
In addition, the Foundation has developed a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions diagnostic tool and a database of 300 emission factors that will allow public and private organizations to assess the GHG emissions associated with their activities and carry out corresponding actions to reduce these emissions.
Marrakech Palm Grove Protection program
On April 28, 2014, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa chaired the third interim assessment meeting in Marrakech on the Marrakech Palm Grove Protection and Development program, during which satisfactory progress was deemed of the program in accordance with the guidelines of the Royal Message addressed to the participants at its launch in 2007.
This review meeting served to redefine the guidelines for the new phase:
– Program sustainability
– Support for the classification of the palm grove as an Ecological Site of Biological Interest and the creation of a Marrakech Urban Biosphere Reserve
– Support for hotel establishments in the palm grove for Green Key labeling
– Expansion of replanting the palm grove
– Foundation support in the development of agricultural income generating activities, through farmer awareness and training on the use of solar pumping solutions
– Involvement of economic operators, particularly through voluntary carbon offsetting.
The Foundation, with support from its partners, planted 558,000 palm trees, which is equal to 125% of the original target, from the beginning of the program through December 31, 2014.
79,841 young and adult palm trees were maintained, 79,516 were pruned, and 15,548 dead palm trees and 41,620 m3 of rubble were removed.
The water management has been redesigned, introducing modern methods that conserve water and energy. The effects of urbanization on the palm grove were contained. The local population was involved in the protection process, its interests taken into account, and education and awareness campaigns for all were conducted: children, residents, tourists, and public and private decision makers.
The actions undertaken in this sense, were:
• Eco-Schools Program: visit by HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa to the Green Flag labeled Taïb Lmrini school;
• Green Key Program: five labeled establishments in the Palm Grove circuit;
• Project to create income-generating agricultural activities in the northwest palm grove: an assessment study was conducted in collaboration with the International Association Agrisud and the Norsys Foundation, which showed the relevance of conducting a pilot project to test the systems and practices that improve the overall performance of agricultural activities for 50 farm family beneficiaries.
Ghabat Chbab:
In April 2014 in Marrakech, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa officially launched the restoration program for Ghabat Chbab, also known as the Independence Olive Grove, an area of 170 hectares of olive groves that link the city and the Menara gardens.
Therefore, Ghabat Chbab received the support of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection. The agreement signed between the Domaines, the Municipality, and the Directorate General of Local Authorities establishes the responsibilities and commitments of each, with a view to restore the plantations, set up a modern and water efficient irrigation system, and rebuild the buildings and public spaces: squares, esplanades, sports fields, playgrounds, car parks, etc. True to its approach, the Foundation will ensure that the rehabilitation is done in strict compliance with the spirit of its designers.
Responsible Tourism program
• Green Key:
In 2014, 64 institutions across the Kingdom were labeled: 8 new winners, including 4 luxury tourist establishments located in the Marrakech palm grove; and 56 renewals: including 37 hotels (including six 5-stars, twelve 4-stars, sixteen 3-stars, three 2-stars); 18 guest houses; and 9 guest farms lodges and inns.
In order to facilitate the annual filing of applications, an interactive platform was developed on the Foundation portal (www.clefverte.ma).
• Blue Flag:
The 2014 edition of the Clean Beaches program campaign launched to educate beachgoers and communes was marked by further efforts to improve the environmental image of beaches, included as part of this program and build local skills by producing new planning, execution and management tools that meet their needs and constraints.
In this regard, 80 beaches covering 54 communes participated in the Clean Beaches program, sponsored by 26 and public and private companies and 27 beaches were labeled Blue Flag.
To translate its strategic vision for the management and protection of the national coastline, in April 2014 the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection launched the first edition of Lalla Hasnaa Sustainable Coast Awards, which are replacing the Lalla Hasnaa Clean Beaches Awards, giving them a new direction that is more comprehensive and inclusive in a sustainable coastal development approach.
Green Apple Award awarded for the second time to the Foundation
The project to create a school newspaper, conducted in a high school in eastern Morocco, with support by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection has won the prestigious Green Apple Award Trophy.
This is the second time that the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection is rewarded as such, after a first prize in 2011 for “exotic gardens, a space for educational discovery at the service of environmental education.”
The project consisted of developing an environmental newspaper, l’Olivier, made entirely by students. It was considered as innovative and an example of a good environmental practice. It enabled the development of knowledge and environmental awareness in students, the use of information technology, and the creation of links with the school curriculum. The newspaper, available for downloading from the Internet, serves as support to convey the ideas of high schools on education for sustainable development.