The COP 22 will thus lead by example in mitigating global warming for which states are meeting in Marrakech. With nearly 30,000 participants expected from 7th to 18th November, flown in from around the world, COP 22 is not a low-carbon event. However, it will do what it takes to be exemplary, with the assistance of the Foundation, observer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 2009.
The greenhouse gas tool that the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection developed will allow COP 22 to closely estimate the conference’s carbon impact.
Moreover, the organizers may offset these emissions, with Foundation support, through the Voluntary Carbon Offset program that the Foundation established in early 2009. This program allows organizations, the public sector or companies to offset their greenhouse gas emissions through two programs developed in Morocco by the Foundation. The first program involves palm plantations in the Marrakech palm grove. The second concerns the solar electrification of rural schools. To date, over 10,000 palms have been planted and 365 schools have been equipped with photovoltaic panels. These achievements will capture or avoid the release of over 18,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere for the duration of these projects. Twenty partners, namely large public and private enterprises, support the Foundation in this effort.
In the process, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection developed a tool for organizations, companies and administrations to help them manage their greenhouse gas emissions. An emission factors database has been established with the help of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). A total of 300 emission factors have been identified, and half of them were estimated based on the characteristics of Morocco. This is the greenhouse gas footprint tool, now fully operational, and complies with ISO 14069 accounting of greenhouse gas emissions, which will be used by the COP 22 organizers. It is being made freely available to organizations that wish to conduct greenhouse gas emissions assessments and resulting reduction strategies.
These tools, developed at the initiative of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection within a unifying approach, provide a matrix for new governance that is being put into place to improve air quality and mitigate climate change. The Foundation conducts its outreach among economic actors and the administration, along with awareness-raising efforts among children and the general public. For this, the Foundation published a CO2 calculator that allows everyone, individuals or companies, large or small, to estimate the carbon footprint for travel, and if any, directly offset through carbon capture projects. It is available at www.fm6e.org, smartphone, or iOs and Android tablets.
HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa chairs the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, established in 2001. Its mission is public education and awareness about the environment. It is active in nearly twenty programs in six areas: youth education for sustainable development, the coast, air quality, historic gardens, the safeguarding and development of the Marrakesh palm grove and sustainable tourism.