The aim of the Foundation is to raise the awareness of learners in the field of protection of the coast and the ocean, a priority axis of its work on environmental protection. The teachers will propose in the framework of these extra-mural activities to the learners that they supervise, to concretely carry out projects of sustainable development to save the ocean. These projects will be conducted partly in class and partly in the field, on topics such as underwater biodiversity, nautical activities, maritime transport, marine fisheries and breeding, maritime heritage, pollution and nuisances. .
A first field activity was offered to the learners in Nador. On April 5, they attended the immersion of artificial reefs in the Marchica lagoon, which are installed to promote the reproduction of fish and support biodiversity. Each of the nine Eco-Schools around the lagoon will sponsor an artificial reef and will monitor the development of the fry that are housed there.
The learners were assisted on the occasion by about thirty young reporters for the environment (YRE) from another educational program of the Foundation. They covered this operation as true journalists.
These activities were followed by thematic workshops organized by the national and international partners of the Marchica Lagoon project, a remarkable space for its biodiversity, which is the subject of a safeguarding program led by the Foundation and the stakeholders concerned, since 2009.
The Foundation is pursuing on the ground its work of education and sensitization to the protection of the coast and the ocean of all the public, children, adults, actors, economic operators, companies and administrations. It develops its action in its programs Clean Beaches, Blue Flag, Protected Areas, Oued Eddahab Bay, Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve, or the Lalla Hasnaa Sustainable Coastal Trophies.
Assessment of Eco-schools and YRE in Nador:
YRE: 10 prizes at the national level and 3 prizes at the international level, awarded by the FEE international committee.
Eco-schools: 65 /138 schools enrolled in the program from them 7 awarded green flag.
About the Young Reporters for the Environment Program
Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) (www.jre.ma ) is a program created by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in which 34 countries participate. In Morocco, it was introduced by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection in 2002 (www.fm6e.org ). More than 22,000 middle and high school students from 11 to 21 years old are taking part. 186 of their reports were awarded at the national contest and 24 at the international one. These students were accompanied by more than 8000 supervisors.
About the Eco-Schools program
Today, more than 68 countries worldwide have adopted the Eco-Schools program (www.ecoecoles.ma), launched by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). In Morocco, it was established by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection in 2006 (www.fm6e.org) in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Scientific Research and Higher Education. 1925 schools are enrolled, 44% rural and 56% urban. 262 are awarded green flag, in addition to 71 schools awarded a silver certificate and 93 bronze certificates.