Their Royal Highnesses Princess Lalla Meriem, President of the National Observatory of Children’s Rights (ONDE), and Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection placed the second regional session of the 2010 Children’s Parliament under the theme of the environment.
This workshop is part of the actions in which Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa grants a particular interest because it aims to promote environmental education, and is part of the partnership agreement signed between the Foundation and MEN on April 22, 2010 under the Presidency of Their Royal Highnesses Prince Moulay Rachid and Princess Lalla Hasnaa to expand the Eco-Schools program and make education the foundation for any environmental policy on sustainable development.
The Eco-Schools program was launched in Morocco in November 2006 and in its pilot phase involved 8,471 students and 17 schools across nine regions of the Kingdom including: Agadir, Benguerir, Youssoufia, Khouribga, Rabat, Salé, Tangier, Ait Ourir and Imzouren.
The success of this phase has today enabled its widespread implementation.