-Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which created the eco-enterprises Club and brought together nearly 400 eco-enterprises in Champagne-Ardennes (SMEs and large groups, research laboratory, training center, universities, Associations and Communities) that are leaders in spheres having to do with waste, water and energy;
– ENVIRONMENT SA: One of the first international companies for environmental analysis and measurement instrumentation, particularly with regard to air quality monitoring. Environnement SA proposes a comprehensive range of automatic machines for continuous air quality measurement.
– ARIA TECHNOLOGIES: conducts modeling studies for manufacturers, consultancy firms, local governments and administrations for the dispersion of industrial emissions, studies on environmental danger, impact, and odor studies, assessment of health risks, impact of traffic, air quality forecasts, and assessment of wind potential.
A meeting was held with the ARIA Technology Deputy CEO. At this meeting, several issues were discussed:
-The Foundation’s strategy on air pollution;
-The eco-epidemiological study the Foundation intends to conduct in the metropolitan area of Greater Casablanca;
-The activity of ARIA TECHNOLOGIES including action in the city of Casablanca in partnership with ADS;
ARAI Technology was solicited by the Foundation to issue a proposal for a modeling study on the impacts of air pollution integrating an epidemiological component.