7th World Environmental Education Congress
Marrakesh, Morocco
9-14 June 2013
Marrakesh’s Peal
In Marrakesh (Morocco) was held from 9 to 14 June 2013 the 7th World Environmental Education Congress, under the theme: “Environmental Education in Cities and Rural Areas: Seeking Greater Harmony.” Around 2400 people from 105 countries around the world are participating.
The opening ceremony was held under the effective presidency of her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa who read the message addressed by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI to participants. The work was conducted in four sessions of plenaries, 11 thematic niches, and 22 side events.
This congress has been marked by the presence of renowned international institutions such as UNESCO, UNEP,and ISESCO.
This 7th edition that was held only a few months away from the end of the United nations decade of Education for Sustainable Development, was the opportunity for meetings and experience sharing between participants and the conclusion of partnerships for the launch of new initiatives at the local, regional, and international level.
The scope of participation and the large number of theoretical contributions and researches presented, provided a near exhaustive overview of the global situation of environmental education, with its strengths and weaknesses.
These same works also emphasized the fundamental contributions of environmental education toward the transition to sustainable future.
Similarly, and at the conclusion of the works of the 7th World Environmental Education Congress, the participants recommend:
1. Increase the supports from public authorities, international organizations, and donors to environmental education projects.
2. Recognize the environmental education action of the civil society and reinforce its role in this area.
3. Reinforce the conciliation and the coordination among all concerned actors with a view to an improved synergy in the definition of strategies and the application of environmental education projects.
4. Establish networks of environment education actors in order to facilitate the share of knowledge, know-how, experiences, and good practices.
5. Foster consideration of territorial specificities and the mobilization of local actors in the elaboration and the realization of environmental education projects highlighting the respect of nature, and Eco citizenship and solidarity values.
6. Develop educational innovative tools and materials adjusted and having more recourse not only to new information and communication technologies but also by conserving and developing to conventional tools.
7. Promote research and development in different areas of environmental education: learning methods, attitudes, values and environmentally respectful behaviors.
Indeed, we invite all concerned actors to consider the Marrakech Plea recommendations and translate them into actions and concrete measures allowing the transition toward more ecological, equitable, and united societies.