Her Royal Highness recalled the commitment made ten years ago to “make our beaches smile” and highlighted the substantial progress on Clean Beaches programs, underlining the success of the work carried out to upgrade our beaches, 12 of which have now hoisted the international Blue Flag label. Her Royal Highness also reiterated Her commitment to continue this momentum to achieve in the shortest time possible the labelling of all beaches covered by the program.
Her Royal Highness also reiterated that the success of the “Clean Beaches” Program is recognized internationally, the United Nations Program for the Mediterranean having appointed Her Royal Highness “Ambassador to the coast”. As such, She has instituted the objective of supporting the efforts undertaken by public authorities to protect our coastline against all kinds of aggression and to place the actions undertaken in a sustainable development dynamic.
On education and environmental awareness, Her Royal Highness told the Council that the JRE and Eco-Schools programs have been consolidated into a more comprehensive and coherent project consisting of the introduction of environmental education in the curriculum. This important decision has been made possible through the strategic partnership established between the Foundation and the Ministry of Education. In this context, Her Royal Highness suggested that the Council set up a training center for environmental education with the aim of ensuring the training of trainers spread out among the academies of the National Education System over the national territory. The center will also have an international vocation as the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) have asked the Foundation to play a role of initiator and trainer at the regional level.
Also as part of the mission of education and environmental awareness,Her Royal Highness announced that She has sought and obtained the agreement of the Observatoire National des Droits de l’Enfant to make environmental protection the theme of the next session of the Parliament of the Child and initiate a substantial program in this vital area with the Observatory.
Regarding the rehabilitation and development of the Marrakech Palm Grove, Her Royal Highness said that over 200 000 palm trees were planted in 2 years out of the 430 000 to be provided over a period of 10 years.
In terms of Protection of Air, to date 18 stations have been installed to establish an effective basis for initiating the epidemiological study with the Ministry of Health.
The Green Key program is entering a crucial phase after the experiment involving 13 tourist establishments in Marrakech and Ouarzazate. On that occasion Her Royal Highness recalled Her desire to see tourism operators form part of a responsible tourism approach. The Foundation will accompany ONMT in its desire to act along these lines.
Her Royal Highness then announced the organization by the Foundation of 4 events designed to contribute to the advocacy movement promoted by the Foundation:
a) “The Earth seen from Above” exhibit by Yann Arthus Bertrand, scheduled to take place in Casablanca on April 5.
b) An exhibit of works by Moroccan artists on the environmental themes in conjunction with the World Environment Day.
c) An international symposium on sustainable coastal management
d) An international seminar on oases.
At the end of the Council meeting, Her Royal Highness thanked all members for accompanying Her with their involvement and commitment in advocating this useful, just and necessary cause.
At the end of the Foundation Board meeting, Her Royal Highness presided over the signing of the Framework Agreement on sustainable development of coastal areas of the Intercontinental Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve between the Fondation Mohammed VI pour la protection de l’Environnement and the High Commissioner for Forestry and Fight against Desertification, the General Directorate of Local Government, the Office National des Chemins de Fer (railways), the Société des Autoroutes du Maroc (highways), the Agency for Promotion and Development of the Northern Provinces, and the Tangier Mediterranean Special Agency (TMSA). This agreement aims at assisting stakeholders in their efforts to achieve sustainable development projects in the zone of action, mainly with regard to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity.