Representatives of Fm6e and workshop organizers (PAP / CAR) took the opportunity presented by this seminar to discuss the convening of a Conference on the Coast to be organized by Fm6e, for the mobilization of national and international experts, government officials and the private sector interested in the thematic debate about the coast, and the abuse it suffers.
It should be noted that Coast Day is a key campaign event to raise awareness of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), and an important Phase III component of the Environmental Priority Action Program in the short and medium term (SMAP). It is also the day on which Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection was appointed Ambassador of the Coast by PAP / CAR of UNEP/MAP during an official ceremony attended by the UNDP representative in Morocco.
Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa’s, appointment is an acknowledgment of the intense activities undertaken by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa and Morocco in terms of environmental protection and improvement of living conditions for populations.