The appointment in 2007 of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa as “Ambassador of the Coast” by the United Nations Environment Program constitutes recognition of the efforts made by Her Royal Highness at the Foundation for the preservation and improvement of environmental quality of beaches in Morocco and for Her involvement in raising of awareness among public and private stakeholders for development of endeavors entailing the possibility of widespread mobilization.
The “Clean Beaches” 2008 edition that involved 54 beaches across the ,national territory of 37 coastal municipalities, with the support of 26 public and private enterprises and in collaboration with local authorities, this summer was characterized by the commitment of municipalities and sponsors in a series of planning, equipment, cleaning, waste collection, infrastructure maintenance, safety, awareness raising and entertainment activities.
The 2008 edition of “Clean Beaches” met with national and international success. Twelve beaches were able to hoist the “Blue Flag”: Mdiq, Fnideq, Achakar, Asilah, Skhirat, Bouznika, El Haouzia, Ain Diab, Agadir, Essaouira, Souiria Lakdiama and Foum El Oued.
Winners of the 2008 Lalla Hasnaa Trophy
1) HOLMARCOM: For activities on the Saidia beach, together with the local community:
-Changes in the development of the beach;
-The scope of work for cleaning, posting displays and environmental education activities.
Saidia has always been considered a difficult site with which the sponsor has to grapple. Development of the coastal area and the center of Saidia allowed better visibility for the various endeavors conducted by HOLMARCOM.
2) OFFICE NATIONAL D’ELECTRICITÉ (ONE): For installation of a removable equipment station set up on Moulay Bousselham beach and composed of premises for civil protection, a health center, premises for auxiliary forces, restrooms and footbridges for people with special needs, a space dedicated to children and center for beach radio.
These facilities are characterized by:
-Integration into the environment;
-The possibility of reuse during upcoming seasons.
The facility will complement the redevelopment work of the coastal area by the Moulay Bousselham Municipality.
3) MARSA MAROC: For the development of the Madame Chaoual beach (Ain Diab Extension).
Marsa Maroc, Casa Anfa District and the Local Authority whose commitment and synergy led to a better image of Madame Chaoual beach in terms of planning, management, animation and Environmental Education.
Marsa Maroc in two years of sponsoriship organized a large number of activities and the provision of equipment (sidewalks, showers, restrooms, first aid center) helping to decongest the Ain Diab beach.
4) OFFICE CHÉRIFIEN DES PHOSPHATES: For the development of the Foum El Oued beach.
The Office Chérifien Phosphates, in partnership with the rural commune of Foum El Oued, undertook a multitude of actions making possible environmental upgrading of the beach and in 2008 awarding of the “Blue Flag”.
In addition to raising of awareness and environmental education, since accepting sponsorship for this beach OCP has managed to enable major redevelopment of the coastal area, including the construction of a protective wall against wave flooding that protects the beach from erosion.
1) Barid Al MAGHREB: For setting up this year, in addition to cleaning endeavors and provision of the necessary signage:
-A professional animation village,
-A beach Radio
Simultaneously conducted with the public awareness and environmental education programs (competition for the collection of pollutants), the daily entertainment program (11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) is varied and diverse (sports, cultural, and artistic activities) and addresses all ages as well as people with special needs. This action was widely appreciated by summer holiday makers.
2) CIMENTS DU MAROC: For Environmental Education activities conducted on the Safi beach.
Ciments du Maroc, in collaboration with Safi painters, set up art workshops for children on Safi beach 3 to 10 years of age. Four types of workshop were organized:
– An “Environment Preservation” educational Workshop by the Association AESVT (Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences) of Safi.
– Art Workshop:
-“Marine Arts”: works created with natural materials collected on the beach (shells, sand, seaweed; etc.)
-Pottery Workshops”: in partnership with Carrefour des Arts, to promote local crafts.
– Sports Workshop.
-Music Workshop: in particular in conjunction with Safi Beach Radio.
3) VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT: For installation of Environment villages at Skhirat and Tangier Municipal beaches.
Veolia Environment set up two villages on Skhirat beach:
1) Environment Village: This village made it possible to welcome and educate thousands of children on environmental protection by amusement and educational workshops held every weekend.
-Drawing workshops;
-Awareness raising workshops (facilitated by two coaches);
-Waste recycling workshops (facilitated by a professor of fine arts);
-Waste collection workshops.
2) Associations village: Veolia Environment has set up this village that all summer long hosted two associations: “Enfants de l’Ovale” and “Les petits débrouillards” offering child awareness and sports initiation workshops.
At the Tangier Municipal beach, Veolia Environment for the first time set up the “Environment Village” in partnership with the Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences (AESVT) of Tangier.
4) UCPA Maroc: For animation and environmental education events organized on the beaches of Tangier, Agadir, Essaouira and Fnideq.
UCPA Morocco has managed to combine the pursuit of sports activities and awareness raising to environmental protection with a large number of children frequenting the beaches of Tangier, Fnideq, Essaouira and Agadir.
Before the start of each sport (roller and water sports), each monitor raises awareness on environmental protection along with ecological gestures. Every young person is to discover 3 actions that help preserve the environment. The best actions undertaken by the children are subject to award, particularly the “Eco Pass” that certifies that the child has shown a “green attitude”.
5) Office National des Chemins de Fer: For strengthening of efforts in the field of Environmental Animation and Education at Asilah beach.
ONCF strengthened its efforts to improve the environmental image of the Asilah beach, making it a model for animation activities and environmental education at “Blue Flag” beaches.
ONCF has established an Environmental Animation and Education Village facilitated by 26 supervisors of the “Biladi Litanmia” Association, including:
-Information Stand;
-Cinema Vehicle to distribute films to raise environmental awareness;
-Beach radio;
-Several workshops: Drawing, sand sculpture, aerobics, sports tournaments, science games, mini circuit for child training on road safety and enforcement of traffic laws;
-Playground village for children;
-Four swimming pools to teach children how to swim.
III- Innovation Trophies awarded to:
1) MAROC TELECOM: For equipment of the “corniche” of Rifienne beach with a free Internet café and Wifi Zone.
Maroc Telecom has supported the efforts of the community and the local authority of Mdiq-Fnideq by providing:
-Equipment of the “corniche” of Rifienne beach with high quality multi-service blocks integrated into the environment and landscape of the “corniche”.
-The availability to summer holiday makers and for the first time on Moroccan beaches, of a free Internet Café and Wifi zone.
2) OFFICE NATIONALE DE L’EAU POTABLE: For setting up in partnership with the Fédération Royale Marocaine de Yachting à Voile (FRMYV) a water sports school.
ONEP set up in partnership with the Fédération Royale Marocaine de Yachting à Voile (FRMYV) a water sports school at Bouznika beach.
The aim of this action, that could be generally extended, is:
-Extension of water sports for children (summer camps, summer holiday makers, etc.);
-The creation of a yacht club at Bouznika beach to assist young people in the Benslimane province.
Skilled instructors under the FRMYV, against teaching materials; gave various courses in disciplines such as sailing, kayaking, surfing, and body boarding, and raised awareness about the coast. The lectures are followed by boat trips (Optimists, Lasers and kayaks).
The participants in this enlarged meeting were the partners of the Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l’Environnement and many personalities involved in sustainable development.