Within the framework of an awareness-building and informational program, and at the beginning of the spring season, the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, in collaboration with the Association of Friends of the Exotic Gardens Bouknadel (ASAJEB) informs the public of organizing a painting contest for fans of this art aged 16 to 20 years (limited to 20 sets), whose objectives are:
– Educate the public on biodiversity Exotic Gardens,
– Developing young people’s sense of observation of nature and its living components,
– Promote the preservation of gardens, natural monuments.
The techniques used are: Guach, watercolor, oil and dye.
This event will be held Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 10h to 16h and include two themes: Flowering and Water.
A professional jury will judge the work of the participants according to technical and aesthetic criterias and will award three prizes in each category.
The awards ceremony will be attended by representatives of the Mohammed VI Foundation For Environmental Protection and the Prefecture of Salé.
Registration and program information and contest rules at:
Exotic Gardens Office:
Tel: 0537.822.756
Fax: 0537.822.074
E-mail: @ b.haddane jardinsexotiques.com – contact@jardinsexotiques.com
Or contact the ASAJEB:
Tel: 06 64 93 57 40 – E-mail: ahaffar2001@yahoo.fr