.By virtue of the first convention, the “Office Chérifien des Phosphates” has to achieve the planting of 100.000 trees in many areas of SAFI and its surroundings, as well as the drilling and the equipment of three wells for irrigation needs.
Within the framework of the second convention, the “Office Chérifien des Phosphates” should participate, as much as possible, in the implementation of national or local operations related to environment, organized under the aegis of the Foundation. In parallel to this, it should reinforce futher its environmental action by continuing the efforts engaged in reducing the environnmental impacts of its industrial and mining units, and preserving its natural ressources in particular:
– reducing the atmospheric emissions of the chemical complex of Safi
– and saving water.
At the end of this ceremony, Her Royal Higness the Princess Lalla Hasna launched the trees planting operation for the 2005 programmed areas. Besides, Her Highness visited the green belt of the Industrial Complex “Maroc Phosphore” which implementation work was launched by Herself on July 3rd, 2000.
Moreover, it should be recalled that the OCP group takes an active part in the actions regulary carried out by Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of Environment, under the effective presidency of Her Royal Higness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa. In this context, it is necessary to mention that the Group OCP has been participating, since 1999, in the different operations of “clean beaches” in the cities of Safi, El Jadida and Laâyoune and has obtained many encouraging prizes, in gratitude for its efforts made in this field.
The OCP Group also takes an active part in the implementation of the quality air actions program, initiated by Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of Environment.
We should point out that for the OCP Group, these contributions are keeping in with the different actions it is regulary leading in the field of environment protection at the level of mining and industrial installations as well as through the different citizens initiatives (trees planting, green spaces development, support to associations and institutions dealing with sustainable development.
In this context, and during these last ten years, the OCP Group has launched out a vast program of reforestation and afforestation in the cities and cites where it carries out its production activities, and this at an average rate of 350.000 trees per year.
The number of trees, planted to this date, rises to approximately 3 million trees distributed on a surface bordering 4800 hectares. this program is expected to continue during the years to come.
All these actions and initiatives fit perfectly in the strategy of the OCP Group which makes of sustainable development, in particular the environmental component, an essential concern of its management through a great mobilization of its resources, and its structures dedicated to the environmental action.
Within this framework, the OCP Group was among the first Moroccan
companies to sign in 1997 the protocol “responsible care”, initiated by the Federation of Chemistry and Para-chemistry. This protocol constitutes a voluntarist engagement, aiming ,in priority, to save people and installation, to protect environment and to develop internal and external communication on these aspects.
It is, also, necessary to point out conventions set up between the OCP Group and the Department of Environment in 1998, and the Department of Water and Forests in 2002, respectively, in the field of environmental protection and afforestation.