The Foundation, committed in numerous ESD programs,was always endeavors to use the most efficient and attractive mean to attain the targets, especially pupils and youth. Indeed, their visit is not only an opportunity to visit the creative and recreational content using ICTs, but also a thinking on ESD themes studied in classroom. This extension, as mentioned in the UNESCO global action plan post 2015, supports learning for sustainably “by doing”.
During workshops organized in the fair, the Foundation participates the 21st February from 12 :15 to 13 :15, next to two other NGOs (« Terre et Humanisme » and « Akhiam »), to the space named « Parole aux associations » on environment subject. This workshop allows showcasing the work of Moroccan NGOs that evolved the human right women’s question, and pay tribute to all of them.
Edition of the international book and Press fair was organized by the Culture Ministry in collaboration with l’Office des Foireset Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC). It allows national and international enterprises interested in book industry and its distribution, printing technologies, publishing and digital media, and all other areas linked, to present their offers to Moroccan visitors.