The theme of this year: « Information and communication technologies in the service of environmental education for a sustainable development” was supported by three reasons:
• It accords with one the thematic niches of the World Conference on ESD 2014 co-organized in 2014 by UNESCO and the Government of Japan on the occasion of the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development under the theme: “Learning Today for a Sustainable Future”;
• It represents a key tool for YRE students to find pertinent information, and work on journalistic investigation…
• Foster public knowledge and promote youth change of behaviors, attitudes, and values as being citizens and consumers;
Furthermore, this new edition is characterized by the integration of new categories of age 11-14, 15-18 and 19-21 for both written report and photograph contests. This will allow the YRE program to point the way toward a new target: middle schools.
The Young Reporters for the Environment program is an educational program, conducted in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, for middle and high school students. It aims to raise awareness of local environmental issues by conducting journalistic investigations through written reporting and photography on topics related to major themes (the city, agriculture, coast, waste, water, energy, biodiversity, solidarity).
The program firmly rooted at the national level, and the success of the previous editions was confirmed and developed year after year by an upgrading participation both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Launched in 1994, the Young Reporters for the Environment program was implemented by the FEE and coordinated in more than 28 countries worldwide.
A national jury comprised of professionals appointed by the Foundation awards the students’ work, which is then sent to the FEE to compete at the international level.
This edition awards, just as the year before will be given to each winner as well as the supervisor.
YRE 2013- 2014 Agenda
• 15 February 2014 : deadline for the receipt of full projects
• 15 April 2014 : the announcement of the results
• June 2014 : Organization of The award ceremony