In bringing together all stakeholders, public and private sponsors and communes, HRH initiated a new approach to the problem and to the provision of appropriate responses. This approach made possible an effective upgrading of our beaches either in terms of infrastructures, cleanliness, health coverage, safety of swimmers and quality of bathing water. Its crowning achievement was the obtaining of the “Blue Flag” international label today awarded to 16 beaches in the Kingdom.
On this occasion HRH thanked all partners working hand in hand with the Foundation in this program and handed them a distinction in recognition of their commitment and efforts focusing on bringing our beaches up to international standards.
2009 Awards of Lalla Hasnaa Trophy
A) Office National de l’Electricité (ONE) and Rural Municipality of Moulay Bousselham for actions undertaken on the “Moulay Bousselham” beach.
– General fitting out of the beach and consolidation of the efforts undertaken;
– Continuity of action to upgrade the urban environment of the beach;
– Rehabilitation of the protected “Merja Zerga” site (Moulay Bousselham lagoon), information campaign and raising awareness to ensure its protection.
B) SAMIR Mohammedia and Urban Commune of Mohammedia for actions undertaken to upgrade the “Mohammedia Centre” beach;
– Upgrading of existing infrastructure on the beach;
– Support for the operation for beautification of the beach and its immediate environment;
– Consistent and effective space management.
C) Shell and Jaiman Baco and the Mohammedia Urban Commune for their efforts for raising the development level of the “Les Sablettes” beach:
– Installation or renovation of facilities (parking, walkways, foot wash, etc.).
– Development of signage and signaling equipment ;
– Strong commitment to meeting the requirements of the users of this beach.
D) Banque Centrale Populaire, for its efforts since 2007 dealing with the highly popular but poorly fitted out and humdrum Ras Lmae and Arkmane beaches:
– Cleanup and activities undertakings have made it possible to upgrade these two beaches, bolstering attendance and providing better attractiveness to tourists in this area of the Morocco’s Oriental region.
A) National Potable Water Board (ONEP), Bouznika Municipality and Friends of Environnement Association for various actions concerning the “Bouznika” beach:
– Overall management of the beach and keeping the existing infrastructures in good condition;
– Establishment of a permanent team on Bouznika beach;
– Environmental education, awareness raising and diversified and high performance training activities.
B) Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences (AESVT) for its effective contribution to raising the awareness of corporate entities on “many beaches”:
– Effort for advocacy and communications on issues related to environmental protection;
– Coaching of stakeholders working in environmental education at several beaches including: Mohammedia Centre, Sablettes, Martil, Tanger Municipal Beach, and Safi Beach;
– Extensive and continuous commitment for support of “clean beaches” Operation.
C) Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) and Lamaachat Rural Commune for infrastructures and awareness actions dealing with the “Souiria Lakdima” beach:
– Consolidation of actions for cleaning and maintaining in good condition of several beach infrastructures;
– Targeted operation of new beach infrastructures, including the Roman theater and recreational area for education, awareness raising and communications on issues related to environmental protection.
D) Maroc Telecom for its efforts in health coverage on Morocco’s beaches by offering civil defense monitoring stations on the beaches first aid kits.
E) Royal Air Maroc and the Agadir Municipality for all activities conducted on the “Agadir Municipal Beach”:
– Continued development work on the Agadir beach, including the completion of the “corniche”, the organization of sports activities, IEC and awareness workshops;
– Distribution of awareness materials of good quality and operational performance of signage and information produced at Agadir beach.
A) Ciment du Maroc and the Safi Municipality for awareness raising endeavors at the “Safi Ville” beach:
– Consolidation of efforts to obtain the “blue flag” label for Safi beach;
– Organization of a variety of actions to commemorate the 10th anniversary of launch of the “”clean beaches” operation, including the competition on this theme, launched at schools in the province under the motto: “All about 10 years of clean beaches” and workshops addressing children at the Safi beach.
B) The National Port Authority and the Essaouira Municipality for consolidation of achievements at the “Essaouira” beach:
– Consolidation of standards for “Blue Flag” label, while taking greater heed to the establishment of guidelines addressing beach users. This action has helped create seasonal jobs thus indicative of the social implications of the “Blue Flag” label;
– Improvement of the quality of billboards, as well as targeting information conveyed by various messages posted at the Essaouira beach.
C) Akwagroup and the Rural Commune of Mireleft for the quality of infrastructures and equipment set up on “Mireleft” beach:
– Good quality infrastructures provided on the beach;
– Clear-cut improvement of access;
– Good choice of zoning and indication of its different spaces.
D) Office National des Chemins des Fer, for awareness raising and environmental education conducted on the Asilah beach, in partnership with local associations:
– The Office of National Railways has called for additional resources to further advocacy and environmental education. These actions conducted in collaboration with more than 1O local associations were broadly appreciated by tourists and particularly young people, as well as internationally, including the FEE.