Biodiversity of coastal zones under pressure from urbanization and tourism
– Strengthen monitoring of coastal environmental ecosystems, based on relevant indicators taking into account their specificities and vulnerabilities;
– Strengthen environmental coastline monitoring in order to reconcile the socio-economic development and preservation of coastal natural heritage;
– Develop and enhance the marine protected areas and make them special places for education and awareness;
– Promote sustainable urban planning and integrate climate change issues in development projects in coastal zones;
– Strengthen research on coastal impacts of climate change.
Sustainable fishing and agriculture
– Increase fishermen and farmer awareness of the negative effects of unsustainable exploitation of coastal resources, and promote best practices.
Information, communication and education
– Establish a national day of celebration of activities for the coast;
– Sustain the Tangier conference by introducing a regular meeting of exchange and experience sharing on awareness and education for sustainable coastal management;
– Promote the emergence of networks of coastal stakeholders (NGOs, municipalities, etc.);
– Strengthen cooperation and exchange of experiences between countries for awareness and education on sustainable coastal management;
– Mobilizing the media and using technology of information and communication tailored to local contexts in order to develop and strengthen awareness activities in coastal zones.