Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, chaired the Lalla Hasnaa Trophy Award Ceremony, which marked the 10th anniversary of the Clean Beach Program, held at the El Jadida Prefecture conference room.
Her Royal Highness proceeded with the reading of the Royal message, calling for harmonization of the regulatory framework and continuation of efforts to permanently anchor coastline protection in a dynamic of sustainable development.
During this ceremony, Her Royal Highness presented a distinction to the various partners of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection under its Clean Beach Program.
Her Royal Highness attended two theatrical presentations for this occasion, “Friends of the Environment” and “To Have Clean Beaches” interpreted by a band consisting of five Moroccan primary schools from different regions, namely: Okba Bnou Nafii Smara, El Khattab Omar Bnou Nador, El Manzah El Baladi Oujda, Agdah of Ain El Manara Touanate and Berkane, and the Moroccan National Federation of Scouting.
To mark this event, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa launched the new institutional ad for the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection played by the Fnaire Group. The dance company Macadam also provided entertainment at the ceremony.