All for our environment
Outils pédagogiques
Learn and play by walking!

An educational circuit, it is the pleasure of a walk allied to that of the discovery. Ideally placed in a park or an urban garden, it proposes a playful path along which are arranged the stop points...

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Outils pédagogiques
Play with BOUNDIF!

A quiz in Arabic and a livened up game asks children from 8 to 13 years old about the cleanliness and the biodiversity of beaches. The quiz proposes a course in five questions chosen in a random way...

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Outils pédagogiques
Games and interactive entertainment for kids!

Capture the attention of children in a hyper-connected world has become a real challenge! The Foundation wants to raise-awareness of the children by offering online games and animations, which...

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Outils pédagogiques
Pupils: learn Environment on-line and by playing!

To know everything on the renewable energies, the energy efficiency, water, air and climate changes by having fun! It is what the Foundation proposes to the pupils on its interactive pedagogical...

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Outils pédagogiques
Learn and play by walking!
An educational circuit, it is the pleasure of a walk allied to that of the discovery. Ideally placed in a park or an urban garden, it proposes a playful path along which are arranged the stop points which present panels or interactive modules.
Biodiversity, waste and recycling, forest and soil protection, water, ecological gardening, themes tackled, often in connection with the place, pass on knowledge and aim at modifying the perception of the environment as the behavior.
Four educational paths were developed by the Foundation, the pioneers in Morocco on the subject.

  • April 2011: Bouknadel Exotic Gardens, which propose a journey in the biodiversity of the planet.
  • May 2011: Ermitage Park, Casablanca.
  • June 2013: Marrakech Palm Grove (Janne El Harti), November 2016: Arsat Moulay Abdeslam), around the palm tree and the oases..
  • September 2017: Hay Rahma Garden in Oued Eddahab Bay, centered on the ocean.
  • An educational circuit is in project in the park Hassan II of El Jadida.
Outils pédagogiques
Play with BOUNDIF!
A quiz in Arabic and a livened up game asks children from 8 to 13 years old about the cleanliness and the biodiversity of beaches.

The quiz proposes a course in five questions chosen in a random way among 15 questions, so that he can replay by answering with new questions.

Meanwhile, the game puts the child in the face of situations where he has to choose the good gestures to keep his beach clean.

The quiz and the game were developed within the framework of the program "Clean Beaches" of the Foundation, a program of awareness and education for the conservation of beaches and Moroccan coast.

The quiz and the game are available on the the Foundation website and in download on motives Android.

Outils pédagogiques
Games and interactive entertainment for kids!
Capture the attention of children in a hyper-connected world has become a real challenge!
The Foundation wants to raise-awareness of the children by offering online games and animations, which discusses, in a fun way, such essential topics as biodiversity, water, waste sorting, composting, Morocco's ecosystems, ecological gardening ... Using these tools, it works to educate children and change their behavior:

  • Interactive coastline - 2012: realized during the celebration of the day of the coast of 2012, it proposes interactive games on biodiversity, water and waste.
  • Interactive Game lagoon of Marchica - 2013: raises awareness of the fragility of the coast and the wet zones, through the lagoon of Marchica situated in Nador, where the Foundation led a program of cleanup.
  • Interactive Game of Oued Eddahab Bay - 2014: raises awareness of the biodiversity of the lagoon of Dakhla and of the environment, through the problems engendered by the development of the city, the agriculture, fishing, and waste management.
  • Interactive Game "Plant with the Boundifs - 2016" an educational game about climate change, through the role of forests as carbon sinks.
  • Jeu « Plante avec Boundifs » - 2016, un jeu pour sensibiliser aux changements climatiques, au travers du rôle des forêts comme puits de carbone
  • Interactive Game reserves of International biosphere in Mediterranean -2017.
Outils pédagogiques
Pupils: learn Environment on-line and by playing!
To know everything on the renewable energies, the energy efficiency, water, air and climate changes by having fun! It is what the Foundation proposes to the pupils on its interactive pedagogical platform, with:

  • Videos of awareness raising with Boundifs
  • Knowledge on energy, water, air and climate: composition of the air, the causes of pollution connected to the uses of energy, the impact on air and health,
  • Videos of awareness raising with Boundifs
  • Eco-friendly gestures.
  • Sharing of experience and projects between teachers and their students
  • Games and quizzes

On the principle of a visit of a city in three dimensions, the foundation offers to the educators an interactive and playful teaching tool for the improvement of the knowledge of the children regarding sustainable development.
It’s offers also, free visit for the most curious children.
This platform comes in support of the Eco-Schools program and is aimed at schoolchildren in primary school classes between 6 and 12 years old. This program deals with seven environmental themes: water, energy, waste, food, biodiversity, solidarity and climate changes