Hence, for the 2010 edition, 40 tourist accommodation establishments have been awarded this international eco-label “Green Key” by a national jury composed of various public and private institutions from tourism sector and animated by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental protection . They are various types of tourist accommodation establishments (hotels, hosts house, host farm, lodgings and stage lodgings) spread on the majority of the Kingdom: 21 hotels of all categories from 2 to 5 stars independent or pertaining to national or international chains (Accor, Sogatour, Golden Tulip Farah, JM Suites and Best Western), 15 host houses, 1 host farm and 3 lodgings).
This label denotes a national and international recognition and differentiation and constitutes as well a daily environmental management tool allowing the reduction of tourist accommodation establishments’ impacts on environment: through, mainly water and energy conservation and waste sorting.
In 2010, the Eco-lable “Green Key” is delocalized in 18 States members of the FEE for 1100 labellized establishments. A website gathers the entire prize winners on worldwide scale: www.green-key.org