– Create an Eco- Schools exchange platform between coordinators and initiate their networking and linking
– Initiate the creation of thematic networks and sharing of experiences and good environmental practices of Eco- Schools
– Develop the Eco-Schools projects including efforts made by schools as part of the implementation of the program
– Encourage open labeled Green Pavilion schools near their provinces and regions.
This meeting also will inform participants about the new approach to progressive granting of the label Green Pavilion , on its renewal, and educational tools of Eco- Schools .
On the sidelines of this meeting will also be held :
– Delivery of labels to 24 labeled schools Green Flag under 2012-2013
– Thematic workshops to exchange and share ‘success stories’ on projects of environmental education, the implementation of the process of active learning Eco – Schools and effective impact projects implemented on changing student behavior towards the environment and improve the environmental condition of the school, places of student learning.
The program of the meeting will conclude with a visit Feb. 6, 2014 at Bouknadel exotic gardens .
Established since 2006 in Morocco by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection of the Environment, the Eco- Schools program aims to provide students the concepts of sustainable development , behavior and lifestyles environmentally .
Eco- Schools allow students and the different actors of the school to build a specific environmental project at the place of life they share on 5 themes : Water, Energy, Waste Management , Biodiversity and Food and according to a pedagogical approach of Eco- Schools 7 steps.
As part of the implementation of the Eco- Schools program , the teacher coordinator of Eco- Schools has a mentoring and educational support role . It brings together all the players around the Eco- Schools project, it runs the Eco- Schools committee for the selection of the environmental project and accompanies its implementation according to the methodology Eco- Schools It organizes the learning necessary to the project in connection with the curriculum, and ensures the completion of the project and its presentation.