During this side event, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection presented its online educational tools related to climate change, its Eco-Schools program through a testimony of the coordinator of the rural Eco-School Hjar Nhal near Tangier. This school particularly committed within the network of 1636 primary schools enrolled in the program in Morocco, is a model of a sustainable development laboratory and an example of educational approach for several schools in the Kingdom.
The Foundation also displayed the dynamics of its Voluntary Carbon Offset program, which allowed the electrification of 412 rural schools and the plantation of more than 12 000 palm trees in Marrakesh.
This side event which received the “Official climate partner “ label, was jointly organized by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, Earth Day Network (EDN) which has been organizing the world Earth Day since 1970, the World Bank which helps countries to meet their commitments concerning the fight against climate change, the international Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI – Austria), which explores new means to mobilize civil society, the YOUNGO, the UNFCCC constituency, and Association Vitale Actions for Sustainable Development (AVD) (Cameroon), an organization that raise awareness youth and adult on sustainable development to change their behaviors.
These organizations shared their approaches, educational tools, innovations and their best practices to raise public awareness on sustainable development, modify their behavior to fight against global warming.
For recall, the Foundation signed the same day a partnership with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), for the implementation of article 6 of the Convention, collectively called Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), which calls for the mobilization for education for sustainable development and climate change.