This reality goes side by side with the local environment permanent pollution phenomena caused by the number of cars, buses, trucks and all the toxic fumes coming out of them as well as from chemical industries. To all these, we add the waste that cities do not know how to get rid of, and the dangerous effects resulting from industrial establishments which are invading green spaces and which have become the centre of urban cities because of buildings’ extension in urban areas.
Seas do not also escape from pollution because of the waste they receive, besides the factories’ non processed water, the ships’ residue and petrol coming out of them, and the fishing in big quantities which lead to weakening fish production and the disappearance of some varieties.
This deteriorated situation is dangerous for human beings who try to be used to a polluted environment, behave in a careless way towards it; and this is what my Father His Majesty King Hassan II, May God glorify him, called in one of his letters, the collective suicide.
One of the most important aspects of this situation is all the diseases people are suffering from, diseases which the Commander of Believers, May God glorify him, pointed out in his royal letters, mentionning that almost one third of the dangerous diseases recorded in Morocco or elsewhere are directly or indirectly caused by the environment pollution.
The Royal vigilance of His Majesty King Hassan II, and His high orientations made it necessary to announce a national charter for environment, strengthened with complementary and harmonious mechanisms, to be taken in charge by collectivities, corporations and citizens , starting from growing awareness towards the environment, relying on cleanliness, and improving production and consumption methods to avoid using up natural resources or leading to their exhaustion This aim can not be achieved unless we stop anything that has a negative effect on environment and face all the elements that lead to environment destruction and find solutions to the problems resulting from them; while respecting the balance between the protection of environment as regard to natural resources and the requirements of sustainable development . And this could be reached if we understand the real meaning of environment considering it to be the World that God created in the best way and made human beings responsible for its management and protection, allowing; thus, the continuity of human life on it.
The implementation of this charter needs a complete mobilization and solidarity. It is also necessary that each one feels he has to play an important role wherever he is, within his family in school, at work, in the street, in a garden, in the beach or even when taking his car or the public bus. This call is addressed to all the associations working for the protection of environment, to the housewives to remind them that saving our environment starts from our homes where children are educated according to the religious and national principles , respecting in their daily behavior the environment they are living in.
On this occasion, it is my pleasure to announce the creation of an annual prize to be granted to the most beautiful and clean beaches in Morocco. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is high time, now, that aims are defined and understood, that intentions are good, to start seriously working to achieve fruitful results. Morocco who has organized the green march and has been able to liberate our Sahara is able to launch another march for the protection of environment. This march starts today with the effective elaboration of the slogan “clean beach”. The concentration on the beach comes from the importance of water in our religion, God says in the Holy Qur’an, showing that water is the pilar of life, that He made of water everything that is alive. He also shows the relationship between cleanliness and water when He says that He comes up with water so that He can purify us with.
It is known that cleanness in its material and ideal meaning is part of faith according to what the Prophet Sidna Mohamed said “cleanness is part of faith”.
So, let’s follow our Islamic eternal values and be mobilized together for an everyday environmental struggle that we should lead in a sense of responsibility and solidarity. If we do so, we will reach our aim, with the Help of God.