The 2007 edition has been distinguished by the relocation of new « Blue Flags », thus, the number of Moroccan beaches having got this label reaches 10. Those are the beaches of Mdiq, Asilah, Skhirat, Bouznika, Agadir, Souiria Lakdima, Achakar, El Haouzia, Ain Diab and Essaouira. This certification is an international recognition that confirms the maturity of the program which has got over an important stage of environmental rehabilitation of beaches, by allowing them to get to international norms.
Trophy for commitment :
The National Office for Railways (ONCF) which has given a good standard image to this beach which has known a real important change well noticed by the vacationers . This development comes within the global vision for repositioning the coastline of Asilah and relocating the « Blue Flag » Label. Thus, this beach has been rewarded for all these actions of animation, environmental education that the ONCF has set up in this beach in partnership with local associations.
Trophy for innovation :
1. The association « Chouâla for development and culture » and the National Agency for Ports : for actions concerning awareness, information and environmental education undertaken in the beach of Essaouira. This association has mobilized two unpaid animators in Information and Environmental Education Centre. These persons are in charge of the everyday tasks regarding information and growing awareness in a direct way and through the beach radio. The association is in charge of distributing pamphlets and flyers and informing vacationers about the « Blue Flag » label.
2. Agadir Beach : the Royal Air Maroc has set up a village for animation and education and a park for children’s games. This village animated by pedagogical specialists provides vacationers with many actions : play and educational activities (puzzles at a large scale representing the main messages of Boundif family for growing people’s awareness, as well as cultural and sports actions. Besides, the RAM has printed a large set of pamphlets and documents for growing awareness and environmental education (flyers…).
3. Bouznika beach : the National Office for Drinkable Water (ONEP) has made a great effort in developing a village for animation, awareness and environmental education in favor of the vacationers in Bouznika beach, with removable equipment made of wood. This village offers numerous varied activities along the season, particularly an action related to the promotion of sports for disabled persons by organizing, in partnership with the « Moroccan association for physically handicapped persons », a sport competition day between vacationers coming from Benslimane, Bouznika, Rabat and its region.
4. Lalla Meryem beach : Lydec has undertaken many actions for growing vacationers’ awareness along the summer season. This awareness has been achieved through bulletin boards containing different information : quality of swimming waters, significance. It has also been made through the beach radio set up for the period July-August which continuously broadcasted messages to encourage vacationers to preserve the beach clean. Some tools helping for growing people awareness, made by Lydec, have been distributed to children in the beach ; these tools deal with different themes related to environment : water cycle, history of drop of water, history of the electron,… This trophy rewards also the growing awareness action led by Lydec in the associative space in Ain Diab beach which has consisted in popularizing systems for drinkable water supply and drainage through reduced models, for the benefit of young people.
During this ceremony, and in recognition of the personnal action undertaken by Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasna, President of Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of Environment, in favor of the protection of environment and the coastline, Her Highness has received the title of « Embassador of the Coast » by the Action Plan for the Mediterranean (PAM) reporting to the United Nations Program for Environment (UNPE).
The Title has been given to Her Royal Highness by Mr. Ivica Trumbic, Director of the Centre for Regional Activities for the Priority Actions Program (CAR/PAP) in Split-Croatia in the presence of Mr. Mourad Wahba, the Resident representing the UNPD, and the Resident coordinating the United Nations System in Morocco.
Press contact : Mr. Hassan Taleb
In charge of the « Clean Beaches » Program
Phone : 037 65 88 44 ) Fax : 037 65 55 31
e-mail : h.taleb@fm6e.org