For this occasion, a “workshop demonstration” of traditional distillation of aromatic plants (orange blossom and geranium) is planned on Sunday, April 21, 2013 from 10 to 18 PM, at the exotic gardens located in Bouknadel Km10, Salé Kenitra Road, with the following objectives:
• Providing for public education and awareness on biodiversity of Exotic Gardens,
• Initiate youth to the principles of extraction of essential oils from aromatic plants and their rational use,
• Perpetuating the spring tradition of Moroccan families,
• Promote the preservation of exotic gardens classified as natural monument.
For any information, please contact the Exotic Gardens Office:
Tel: 0537.822.756
Fax: 0537.822.074
E-mail: @ b.haddane jardinsexotiques.com – contact@jardinsexotiques.com
Or contact the ASAJEB:
Tel: 06 64 93 57 40 – E-mail: ahaffar2001@yahoo.fr