The works would be done in different steps. The first one related to the restoration of the walls and the Borj of Cheikh Ahmed next to the gardens which would be realized by ADER-Fez.
The second step would deal with the rehabilitation of the Central Mail and the planted spaces. It is planned for the second semester of 2006.
The Foundation, determined to work for the rehabilitation of this valuable patrimony has taken notice of the participation of the local authorities and elected representatives and many sponsors (MAMDA/MCMA Foundation, Cooper Maroc, ADDOHA Group, JAMAI Foundation, ONEP…) all of them willing to participate to this noble task.
Created in the 18th century by the Sultan Moulay Abdallah, the gardens cover about 7.5 ha inside a monumental site. An exceptional vegetation and an original structure make of this place a jewel of the Arabo-Andalousian tradition. This space full of history and memory of the past, is the more ancient and prestigious public garden in the spitirual capital of the Kingdom.