“Clean beaches” program in 2006 : 50 beaches in 34 coastal communes have benefited from the support of the program . 9 new sites have been sponsored, 25 economic operators involved and 73 million dirhams invested. 2 new bleu flags obtained besides the confirmation of the two ones already obtained in 2005.
Her Royal Highness has recalled the ambition of the Foundation to have the label in the maximum of beaches (within the shortest possible time) and has encouraged to force the pace to get new labels.
Environmental education program which comes within the frame of strategic partnership with the Ministry for National Education, has been reinforced this year with the starting of the eco-schools program, an international program applied in 31 countries and aiming at teaching the principles of sustainable development in the primary schools by mobilizing students, teachers, administration as well as parents about one common project emphasizing three themes : water, energy and waste. A pilot operation in 18 schools in 9 regions is taking place before popularizing the program at the national level.
Air quality program:
Her Royal Highness has recalled the federative role played by the Foundation to allow different concerned parties to find suitable solutions.
Thanks to the fact of growing people’s awareness in the field, the Decree on exhaust fumes can be applied by the authorities during the year 2007.
Among other planned actions, there is the extension of the measuring stations network and the launching of an epidemiological survey in the cities of Casablanca and Mohammedia.
Flowered cities program
Works for rehabilitating the Jnan Sbil Garden have started with an objective which is that of inaugurating this summer the Andalusian Garden . For the Hermitage park, a convention would be signed today, under the presidency of Her Royal Highness, between the Foundation and the different partners (General Department for Local Authorities, the Casablanca Wilaya and City Council, Altadis, Cements of Morocco, Lafarge Morocco and Lydec).
The green key program: as it is the case for the Blue Flag Label for beaches, the Green Key is a label assigned for tourist lodging units that respond to specific criteria as regard to environment protection. After consulting all the concerned operators to adapt this label criteria to the local context, a pilot operation will start in April.
Program for safeguarding and rehabilitating the Marrakech palm grove :
Her Royal Highness has informed the Board about the progress made in the project for the protection and development of the Marrakech palm grove which starting would be celebrated on Monday 19th March, in Marrakech.
International Cooperation: after adhering in June 2002 to the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), the Foundation extends its partnership with international bodies. It’s within this frame that a convention was signed today, under the presidency of Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa, with the Islamic, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).
After drawing up the balance sheet and approving the 2007 budget, Her Royal Highness has informed the Board about her orientations for the three coming years. A part from reinforcing the achievements, Her Royal Highness has fixed two major action axes for the Foundation:
1/ Informing and growing citizens’ awareness about the environmental stakes
2/ becoming a militant force and a source of proposals
At the end of the meeting, Her Royal Highness has thanked the members of the Board of Directors for their involvement and their precious advises, and has expressed her satisfaction about the increasing support of the economic operators as well as the authorities and local elected representatives.