This workshop is a part of the “Responsible Tourism” program initiated by the Foundation. There will be an opportunity to inform, educate and enhance awareness on local interactions between tourism and preservation of natural resources and ecosystem services. The workshop will focus on environmental management and eco-efficient solutions in tourist accommodation establishments, the interactions between tourism and heritage to be preserved in the lagoons and wetlands, promotion and development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, successful experiences of hotels that have worn the Eco label Green Key and, under the vision 2020.
In addition, the program “Responsible Tourism” aims, among others, to educate professionals and visitors so that they integrate the environmental dimension in the daily management of their institutions and contribute to resource conservation and improvement of the image involved in the tourist destination through the implementation of the International Green Key Eco-label launched in Denmark in 1994 and adopted by the International Foundation for Environmental Education in 2002.
In Morocco, this Ecolabel is supported by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection since 2008 in partnership with the Moroccan National Tourism Office and the Ministry of Tourism.