All for our environment

Sustainable tourism

Blue Flag
Blue Flag is a global eco-label awarded to beaches engaged in sustainable tourism: sustainable site management, bathing water quality and user awareness. Created by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), the label is present in 45 countries and has been awarded to 4423 beaches or marinas.
for the best beaches
Blue Flag, created in 1987, is now a major label on all five continents. Flying the blue flag for a beach is the expression of genuine and deep commitment to coastal environment, water quality, safety and free access for all.

The Blue Flag Program's philosophy is to connect the public to the environment and encourage people to learn more. As such, beaches offer environmental education activities and provide relevant site information on biodiversity, ecosystems and environmental phenomena on an ongoing basis.

Beaches apply for the blue flag label each year well before the summer season. A multi-disciplinary jury awards the label in the spring, and conducts inspections during the summer to ensure that all criteria are met by labelled beaches.

The Foundation introduced the label in 2006 for beaches and in 2016 for marinas. Over twenty beaches are labelled each year, and the first blue flag for a marina was awarded in 2017.

Sustainable tourism

Blue Flag

The Goals

  • Introduction
  • Implementation
  • Achievements
The international Blue Flag label aims to:
Guarantee a healthy and safe space for summer visitors
Protect the coastline
Raise awareness and educate summer vacationers to respect the environment they enjoy
Raise the kingdom's beaches to the highest international standards
Promote sustainable shoreline tourism


Blue Flag is deployed via the Clean Beaches Program, with the support of the same partners: municipalities, DGCL, economic partners and civil society. It is attributed annually by a multidisciplinary jury.
Setting up an organization for the management, attribution and control of the label
Development of tools for the popularization and implementation of the label (labeling guide, good practices manual).
Training and support for coastal municipalities
Development of an online platform



Bleu flag beaches in 2019