This is the first time, the FEE organizes its annual general meeting outside Europe, since its creation in 1981. The FEE’s aim is to promote and develop environmental education and sustainable development throughout different projects (blue flag for beaches, young reporters on environment from high schools, Eco-schools, forests protection program…etc) which have been elaborated in such a way as to allow willing persons to participate in preserving nature and adopting a respectful behavior towards environment.
FEE programs are supported by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Program for Environment (UNPE).
After joining the FEE in June 2002, Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of Environment has undertaken to develop beaches’ environment, aiming to relocate the blue flag label in Morocco. By doing so, the Foundation would accompany the government project “Morocco 2010” dealing with tourism strategy .
The “Young Reporters for Environment” project was developed by the Foundation within its partnership with the National Education and Youth Ministry, to initiate our young high school students into investigating and looking for concrete solutions to environmental problems in their region. In 2003, it was integrated in the FEE program, among seventeen other countries joining the program, offering, that way, an opportunity to high school students to communicate with their colleagues in European countries.
A new project called “green key” intended to honor the best initiatives in environmental management in the field of tourist and leisure accommodations, is to be developed with the National Moroccan Office of Tourism (ONMT) and tourism professionals.
On the fringe of the FEE annual general meeting, the 45 Member States’ delegates present in Marrakech will visit two projects among those initiated by the Foundation:
-Rehabilitation work of Arsat My Abdeslam where would be set up a cyber park thanks to the partnership established between the Foundation, the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs, owner of the park and Marrakech urban community with the support of Maroc Telecom and the major companies specialized in telecommunication and computer equipment.
This cyber park would be dedicated to introduce information and communication new technologies.
-Essaouira Beach chosen by the FEE among the first Moroccan beaches to be candidate for the blue flag. The introduction of the eco-label in Morocco, which is supported by the Foundation’s partners, requires a feasibility study and a training program. The latter would be financed by the Moroccan National Office for Tourism because of the positive image this project would give to national and foreign vacationers. The blue flag is an important element in the development of seaside tourism. It would improve the site and make it more appealing, which would have a positive impact on employment and revenues.