All for our environment


12 November 2012

Training Workshop: « ICTE and the School life » from the 12th to 15th November 2012

Training Workshop: « ICTE and the School life » from the 12th to 15th November 2012


The objective of this workshop is to reinforce the cognitive skills in the area of information and communication technology (ICT), photographs, audio and video processing in favor of the 16 regional coordinators of the program.

In other words, it is to realize a transfer of skills between the 16 present and trained regional coordinators and their colleagues, the provincial and within the schools’ coordinators. Also, to improve not only the professional performance, but also to benefit from the digital resources in stimulating the learner’s interests throughout the Eco-schools portal:

Representatives from the Ministry of Education, program Eco-schools officials from both the Foundation and the “Génie” program, and trainers from the Korean center will participate to this meeting.

*ICTE: Information and Communication technologies in Education.
